A. Two-year Semester System Post Graduate Courses in Chemistry, Physics, English and Comp. Sc.
B. Three-year Semester System Under Graduate Degree Courses Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in the following Core (Honours) Subjects : (i) Chemistry, (ii) Computer Science, (iii) Physics, (iv) Mathematics, (v) Statistics, (vi) English, (vii) Economics, (viii) History, (ix) Sanskrit & (x) Bengali.

A student, pursuing undergraduate degree in a given core course, will have to choose two generic elective (general) courses one from each group for first two years of study from a list of subjects framed alongwith the core courses mentioned in the table given below:

Core/Honours General/Generic

(a) Physics, Economics, Political Science/Electronics, Philosophy, Statistics, Comp Science/Bengali
(b) Mathematics

Computer Science

(a) Mathematics
(b) Physics, Statistics, Electronics


(a) Mathematics
(b) Physics, Chemistry/Sanskrit, Political Science/Electronics, Philosophy, Statistics, Computer Science/Bengali


(a) Physics, Pol. Science/ Electronics, Philosophy, Bengali/Comp. Science, Economics, History/Math., Chemistry/Sanskrit
(b) Philosophy, Economics., Bengali/Computer Science, History/Math, Sanskrit/Chemistry, Physics


(a) Physics, Political Science/Electronics, Philosophy, Computer Science, Economics, History/Math, Chemistry/Sanskrit
(b) Philosophy, Economics, Computer Science, History/Math, Sanskrit/Chemistry, Physics


(a) Chemistry/Sanskrit, Philosophy, Bengali/Computer Science, Physics, Statistics, Economics
(b) Political Science/Electronics, Philosophy, Sanskrit/Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Economics, Bengali/Computer Science


(a) Bengali/Computer Science, Physics, Political Science/Electronics, Chemistry/Sanskrit, Economics, Philosophy, Statistics
(b) Chemistry/Sanskrit, Economics, Philosophy, Statistics, Computer Science/Bengali, Political Science/Electronics, Physics


(a) Mathematics
(b) Chemistry/Sanskrit, Economics, Political Science/Electronics, Philosophy, Statistics, Computer Science/Bengali


(a) Bengali/Computer Science, Political Science/Electronics, History/Math, Philosophy, Physics, Economics, Statistics
(b) History/Math, Philosophy, Bengali/Computer Science, Physics, Economics, Statistics


(a) Physics, Chemistry/Sanskrit, Economics, Political Sc./Electronics, Philosophy, Comp. Science/Bengali
(b) Mathematics


Special Note
Science Group: Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics.
Humanities Group: English, Sanskrit, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Bengali.

a) A student with Honours in any one subject of the Humanities group will take any two other generic/general subjects taking at least one from the Humanities Group
b) A student with Honours in any one subject of the Science group will take any two other generic/general subjects taking at least one from Science Group.

2. No student should take the same subject from both the pools.
3. The following four combinations given below cannot be taken together either as Core or Generic Elective Course combinations or as two Generic Elective Course combinations:
a) History, Mathematics, b) Chemistry, Sanskrit, c) Pol.Sc., Electronics, d) Comp. Sc., Bengali.

Other Courses
1. Apart from Core/Honours and Generic elective courses, a student will also have to take four Discipline Specific Elective (DSC) courses offered by his honours department in the last year or last two semesters of his study.
2. Besides Core Courses and Generic Elective Courses, a student will also have to take the following Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) in the first year of his study in alternate semesters:
a) Communicative English (first semester), b) Environmental Studies (second semester)
2. A student will also have to take Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) like Value Education in the second year & third year of his study.