Department of Political Science

Welcome !

Welcome to the Department of Political Science at Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous).

The General Departments, came into being in phases since 1960. Over a period of fifty years, these Departments have contributed, in no small measure, to the enrichment of the tradition of academic excellence of the College.

The subjects taught by the faculty members of the General Departments belong to Humanities and Social Sciences. All these subjects are taught only upto General level as subsidiaries of the Honours Programme. However, in special cases, the Departments share the advanced facilities available with other Departments of the College.
All the faculty members of the General Depts. update themselves for discharging their teaching and research responsibilities by attending Orientation Programmes and Refresher Courses organized by the Administrative Staff College of the affiliating University and of the other Universities in India and also Seminars, Conferences, Workshops organized at Stte, National and International levels as well as such programmes organized at the College level.


Dr. Pulakesh Sarkar (HOD)

M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Sri Achintyam Chatterjee

Honorary Faculty