Research Projects

Department of Chemistry:


Dr. Prasanta Ghosh

1. Transition Metal Complexes of Quinone and Imino-quinones: Syntheses, X-ray Structures, Spectra, Redox Series, DFT and TD DFT Calculations (36 months).Fundig Agency:UGC New Delhi. Duration:2015-2018

2. Transition Metal Complexes of Redox Active Ligands: Syntheses, Spectra, X-ray Structures, Redox Series and DFT Calculations(36 months).Fundig Agency:SERB,New Delhi.Duration:2012-2015

3. Heavier Transition Metal Complexes of 2,2′-Pyridyl and 9,10-Phenanthrenequinone: Syntheses, Spectra, X-ray Structures, Redox Series and DFT Calculations(36 months).Fundig Agency:CSIR, New Delhi.Duration:2012-2015

4. Investigation on new Co-ordination Metal Complexes as Potential Anti-leishmanial Agents (36 months).Fundig Agency:DBT New Delhi.Duration:2010-2013

5. Transition Metal Chemistry of Conjugated Diimine, Aminophenols and Phenylenediamines: Syntheses, Redox Activities and Spectral Features (36 months).Fundig Agency:DST, New Delhi.Duration:2009-2012

6. Coordination Chemistry of Redox Non-innocent Benzosemiquinones and N-Aryl Iminobenzoquinones: Syntheses, X-ray Structure, Magnetic and Spectral Parameters(36 months).Fundig Agency:UGC, New Delhi.Duration:2009-2012

7. Coordination Chemistry of New Open Chain 1,4-Diazabutadiene (Diimine) Motif: Metal-Ligand-Charge-Transfer (MLCT), X-Ray Structural Features And Coligand Effect(36 months).Fundig Agency:UGC, New Delhi.Duration:2005-2008

8. Coordination Chemistry of Organic Radicals (Part-1) (36 months).Fundig Agency:CSIR, New Delhi.Duration:2005-2008


Dr. Pulak Gangopadhyay

1. Title of the Project:On Isolation and characterization of medicinally important compounds from natural products,Fundig Agency:UGC 2007.

Department of Physics:


Dr. Malay Purkait

1. Title of the project: Studies on charge transfer and ionization of hydrogen atom with complex projectile ions by Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo method; Funding agency: University Grants Commission; Ref. No. PSW.026/01-02(ERO), Minor Research Project.(Completed)

2. Title of the project: Coupled-channel calculation in partially stripped ions and hydrogen atom collision in the impact energy range 15-1000keV/amu.; Funding agency:CSIR; Ref. No. 03(1061)/06/EMR-II (Completed)

3. Title of the project: Classical simulation of ion-ion/atom interactions and to study its chaotic behavior at low energies; (Co-Principal Investigator); Name of the funding agency:DST; Ref. No. SR/S2/LOP-18/2003(Completed).

4. Title of the project: Studies on double charge transfer and double electron excitation of helium by fast ion impact; Funding agency: DST; Ref. No. SR/FTP/PS-22/2005(Completed).

5.Title of the project:Double electron capture in collisions of bare projectile ions with helium atom; Funding agency: University Grants Commission (UGC); Ref. No. PSW-44/06-07(ERO), Minor Research Project.(Completed).

6. Title of the project:Classical/Quantum correspondence in state selective charge transfer, ionization and x-ray emission reactions involving highly charged ion-atom/ion-ion interactions; Funding agency:University Grants Commission (UGC); Ref. No.: F 38-176/2009 (SR) (Major Research Project) (Completed).

7. Title of the project:Charge transfer and ionization processes in atoms or ions by the impact of charged particle; Funding agency: CSIR; Ref. No.: 03 (1184)/10/EMR-II (Completed).

8. Title of the project:Ionization of molecules by ion impact and the importance of correlations on charge transfer process at intermediate and high energies;Funding agency:DST, Ref.No.: SB/S9/LOP-0009/2013 dated: 5.05.2014 (Ongoing)

9. Title of the project: Interference and diffraction in fast bare ions colliding with atoms/molecules; Funding agency:CSIR, Ref. No. 03(1366)/16/EMR-II dated 1.06.2016 (Ongoing)


Projects submitted for evaluation:


(i)Title of the Project:Transfer, simultaneous excitation-ionization and excitation cross sections of ion impact with atom; Name of organization; Funding agency:DAE-BRNS; Present Status: Under process.

(ii) Title of the Project: Four-body model for transfer, transfer-excitation and transfer-ionization in fast ion-atom/ion collisions; Funding agency: UGC; Present Status: Under process.


Dr.Sobhan Sounda


1. Title of the Project: Geometric Properties of Polarization Curve: Jordan-Schwinger Mapping of Quartet of Harmonic Oscillator with Gell-Mann type SU(4) group of matrices; Funding agency: UGC, F.No. PSW-065/14-15(ERO) dtd. 03.02.2015


Dr.Sourav Chattopadhya


1. Title of the Project: Study of magnetic oxide semiconductor quantum dot array for spin polarized light emitting diode; Funding agency: SERB (DST),Ref. No. YSS/2014/000509.


Dr.Debabrata Das


1. Title of the Project: Evolution of structural and Opto-electronic properties of Silicon Nitride and Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles and investigation of their oxidation mechanism; Funding agency: UGC 2005.

Department of Mathematics:


Dr. Nurul Islam


1. Title of the Project: Real Time embedded system for digital image watermarking for application in forensic investigation, Funding agency: UGC 2009.

2. Title of the Project: Real time embedded system for Digital Image Watermarking for application in Forensic Investigation; Funding agency:UGC, 2009. (Jointly with Dr.Subir Sarkar, Electronics and Tele-communication Eng. Department, Jadavpur University


Department of Economics:


Mr.Bijoyaditya Chakrabarty


1. Title of the Project: River embankments and resultant buffer zones as policy parameters in the economy-ecology interaction, Funding agency: UGC 2008.


Department of English:


Mr.Arya Ghosh


1. Title of the Project: Bengali satire of the Nineteenth Century and the Colonial Encounter, Funding agency: Funding agency: UGC 2010.


Department of Sanskrit:


Dr. Narayan Dash


1. Title of the Project: Aadhunik Sahitye Paschimbangasya Abadanam, Funding agency: UGC 2008.